Human RightsUnderstood Applied

In today’s business environment, respecting moral principles and following norms for certain standards of human behaviour within institutions, is of utmost importance.

  • How do you increase awareness of your employees on Human Rights?
  • How do you facilitate employees to become more competent to think about Human Rights?
  • How do you change employees’ behavior, rather than just provide knowledge on Human Rights?

To answer this, we offer an on-line e-learning awareness course on Human Rights, which in 30-40 minutes helps your employees increase their awareness, facilitates their thinking process and changes their behavior related to human rights, as it is: 

  • Based on advanced, yet simplified content, to improve understanding
  • Uses characters and animations, to ensure a user friendly experience
  • Includes realistic, practical work related case studies, to drive change in behavior
  • Provides feedback per overall results and correctness of answers, to facilitate learning

Content Summary

  • Module 1: Principles of Human Rights
  • Module 2: Categories (individual, civil, political, economic and social, cultural)
  • Module 3: Frameworks and Standards (e.g. ILO Conventions, Global Compact, ESRS)
  • Module 4: Topics (e.g. child labour, forced labour, privacy, freedom of speech, freedom of association, violence, harassment)

For further information or inquiries, please contact us.



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