Sustainability Measured Planned

In today’s business environment of scarce resources, streamlining decision making based on facts and figures, becomes imperative, in order to understand today’s situation and plan tomorrow’s actions.

  • How do you know how Sustainable your organization really is?
  • How do you know where your organization can improve?
  • How do you know what exactly you should do to improve?

For this reason, we offer the on-line Sustainability Assessment Tool (SAT), which enables you to quantitatively assess and graphically represent how Sustainable and Responsible you are, in order to take strategic decisions on which areas to focus on, tactical decisions on which sub-areas to improve, as well as utilize a tailor made pool of suggested improvements to easily develop a 3-5 year action plan. SAT is:

  • Structured around 7 easily understandable Areas (Management, Owners, Employees, Suppliers, Customers, Communities, Environment), 41 sub-Areas and 4 Dimensions (Policies, Processes, Performance, Perception)
  • Addresses all criteria from most widely used sustainability tools (such as GRI, AA1000, ISO26000, EFQM), good practices from leading organisations, as well as the functionality to add new, organization specific criteria
  • Displays clear instructions on how to use the tool, answer the over 1,000 clearly stated potential questions without requiring  expertise, enables easy review of pending questions, as well as revision of submitted answers at anytime
  • Provides a quantitative overview of how Sustainable you are across 7 Areas and 4 Dimensions, in order to facilitate strategic decision making by choosing which Areas to focus on
  • Enables further drill down of how Sustainable you are in 41 sub-Areas, in order to identify tactical improvements in specific sub-Areas
  • Provides a tailor made pool of suggested next actions (across all 7 Areas and 41 sub-Areas) on how to improve your sustainability level, in order to easily develop a 3-5 year action plan

For further information, please watch the video.

      For inquiries, please contact us.