We help organisations operate more responsibly, by assessing their maturity level, developing internal management systems (incl. materiality analysis, stakeholder engagement, data collection), coordinating implementation of sustainability programs, supporting external and internal awareness (e.g. training) and developing Corporate Responsibility Reports.
"Act as if every act will be a universal act”
Ιmmanuel Kant, 1724-1804
Gap Analysis
- Sustainability Assessment (on-line tool)
- Benchmarking Studies
Internal Organization (GRI, AA1000, EFQM, ISO26000)
- Strategy Development
- Integration Management
- Materiality Assessment
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Definition Development
- Governance Structure
- Framework Development
- Performance Measurement
- Data Collection (on-line tool)
- Data Management (design, assurance etc.)
- Sustainability e-Learning (on-line course)
Program Development
- Environment (energy, recycling, IPPC, LCA/EPD, Carbon Neutral etc.)
- Marketplace (responsible procurement, responsible marketing etc.)
- Society (product & services, sponsoring, LBG etc.)
- Workplace (volunteering, diversity, internal communication etc.)
- CR Communication
- CR Below-the-line Communication
- CR Report Development
- CR Report Coaching
- CR Report Assurance
- GC Communication on Progress
- Social Impact Study