Data ● Defined ● Collected
In today’s business environment of scarce resources, facilitating data gathering in a user friendly way, becomes imperative.
- How do you collect data to populate your Responsibility and Sustainability Report?
- How efficient and effective is the use of word documents, excel sheets etc. to collect data?
- How much time do you spend on following up?
For this reason, we offer the on-line Data Collection Tool (DCT) to gather data required to populate your Report, which enables you to manage the whole process in a user friendly and secure way as it:
- Addresses all issues related to sustainability and responsibility, structured around 7 Areas (Management, Owners, Employees, Suppliers, Customers, Community, Environment) and 50 sub-Areas
- Provides a pool of over 1,000 indicators to choose from (exceeding those used in most guidelines, such as GRI, AA1000, ISO26000, EFQM), as well as the functionality to add new, organization specific indicators
- Enables you to easily assign each indicator to a single user and send an automated unique username/password to each user
- Enables each user to register data, attach documents, add clarifications and easily monitor pending fields on a single screen
- Enables you to easily review not completed indicators to follow up through automated reminders
- Provides a combined real time report of all registered data, as well as the option to export data
For further information, please watch the video.
For inquiries, please contact us.